El perro labrador negro con labio y boca leporinos ya puede jugar,… ¡Dale un poco de cariño!


Felix is a cute black lab that lives in Alaska, USA. He is well-known on the social media platform Imgur, where he has a big number of followers who have followed his trip and enjoy seeing the beautiful furry man evolve.

“I’ve been caring for Felix since he was 11 days old,” Felix’s father, Jamie, told Bored Panda. I was the rescue worker called in by the breeder after they noticed that one of her litter’s puppies was not developing and was dying as a result of a severe cleft palate and cleft lip, and was unable to feed properly from her mother.”


It took some effort to get this hairy fellow out.

“At the time, he had aspiration pneumonia and was not going to live another 24 hours,” Jamie adds. I took him home and fed him through a tube for the next seven weeks. I also assisted him in dealing with his pneumonia. He is 14 months old and a black lab dog!


The cause of cleft lip and palate is uncertain. According to Jamie, this aberration can occur in humans and animals as a result of a poor diet or prenatal exposure to specific items.


Felix is a fighter who refuses to let his medical challenges prevent him from enjoying himself and having a good time. This Labrador also has digestion problems since his intestines originated on the opposite side of his body; he only has one functional eyeball, and his jaws are misaligned. His face has a particular expression.


“He can only eat canned food since none of his teeth match,” Jamie added. I feed him hard food now and then to make him feel like he’s a part of the gang, but he doesn’t like it. He, on the other hand, keeps him busy ».


Felix had cleft lip and palate surgery in January of this year. According to his owner, the dog has a unilateral cleft palate that affects both the hard and soft palates. The veterinarian did a wonderful job, and he was able to reconstruct his palate problems using his own tissue.


Prior to his procedure, Felix was unable to eat or drink on a regular basis. His father washed the food from his cleft every time he fed him.

“Since his procedure, he has acquired a neurological tic that causes him to spin around and occasionally bark at the air, most likely due to the dislocation of his head,” Jamie explained. We’re testing some new medications to see whether they can help him.”


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