OVNI y dron se cruzan en el Medio Oriente: ¡El sorprendente encuentro del MQ-9 Reaper estadounidense

Máy bay không người lái MQ-9 Reaper của Mỹ chạm trán UFO ở Trung Đông
On April 19, the Pentagon declassified video captured by the US MQ-9 Reaper drone after it encountered an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the Middle East. The incident that occurred last year was the first encounter between a drone and a UFO. Currently, the US military has changed the name of Unidentified Flying Objects to Unexplained Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).Explaining the content of the video during the Senate hearing, Sean Kirkpatrick – Director of the Pentagon’s Anomalous Areas Office (AARO) – classified the glowing “metal sphere” as a “spherical UAP”. “Silver color. Matte. Metallic. It flies at an altitude of 3,000 – 10,000 meters with variable speeds and no heat emission,” he said. The behavior of this metallic sphere is similar to other UAPs that have been detected in the area. Mr. Kirkpatrick also did not rule out the possibility that the ball could be revolutionary technology for the opponent, but did admit that its speed and design were impressive. He also conceded that it could be classified as “known objects or phenomena” or even “alien.” AARO was formed last July to unite all the projects of the Department of Defense and other federal agencies to detect, identify and classify anomalous objects in the air, water and environment.

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